Sunday, 4 March 2012

New Fashions for Men

I thought I'd run down one of the strands that was happening at the time - that fashion designers and hipsters were very much pushing the door open to get men into skirts; and kept the pressure on for years before the higth street had the confidence to follow suit. They were partly worried about sales of course, but much more worried about left looking silly and leaving themselves open to ridicule. The single most important property of a large business was their public image which they spent the largest portion of income on.
this sort of macho skirt had
been around for years;
few men bothered

this was a bit more intriguing and similar items became available
 in summer 2012
or kilts for everyday wear
It was really with this style (below) that it became acceptable to walk the streets in clothes that would have been called "women's clothes" just a couple of years before. The skirt came as a single item so even though it was marketed as a whole outfit, I teamed my whatever I liked! It was rather overpriced though so I actually bought myself a very similar item on ebay and wore that - no-one noticed. No-one saw the Long Tall Sally label on the inside apart form me!
example of a man's skirt; not a million miles
from what a woman might have worn
a few years before
This skirt (below) was again very similar to skirts already in my collection. It was clearly designed to save men from the embarrasment of having to wear a woman's skirt. I had no such issue - and again - no-one noticed!

A very girly item that became rather popular
through the summer
A taffeta skirt for men appeared in late 2013 - now I wasn't going to miss out on that action. Perfect for nipping down the local for a few pints with the wife! A little cumbersome when trying to do anything, but it made me feel very special. and the wife could not stop touching me when i was in it. They never did one in pink, unfortunately...
a daring design from 2013
When men started putting together their own outfits without being led the fashion indiustry panicked and suddenly flung out a feminised range - an example of which we can see below:
men started wearing adapted female garments
which led to much more femme styles
typical of the sort of thing available to men by the
middle of the decade
Burton's range of dresses appeared in 2015 - here's a man
who needs to look smart - job interview? - dinner date? Where's your handbag fella?
this extremely feminine style was all the fashion in 2019,
marketed at working men
Fashions for teenage men by 2020 - only deviants wore trousers.
this was very popular among girls
A typical office boy in 2020


  1. Por tradición los hombres desde siempre se habían vestido con faldas, solo hace 300 años que los obligaron a usar pantalón.
    El pantalón es la prenda menos adecuada para un hombre; el calzoncillo bóxer, hace las veces de férula en los genitales, (propiciando mal funcionamiento, y discapacidades), la costura central del pantalón maltrata, magulla e incomoda todo el tiempo los genitales; la correa o cinturón hace las veces de torniquete, y obliga al corazón a bombear la sangre con mayor esfuerzo, (para vencer la contracción que hace el torniquete), y por mala irrigacion sanguínea afecta: el aparato digestivo, el sistema urinario, el aparato reproductor. Ademas con el uso del pantalón el hombre ha terminado orinando de pie lo cual es totalmente antinatural. Las Faldas y los vestidos con faldas para los hombres son suprema-mente SALUDABLES, CÓMODOS Y CONFORTABLES. El pantalón, el calzoncillo ajustado, la costura central del pantalón, y la correa o cinturón, están promoviendo las enfermedades modernas de los hombres: IMPOTENCIA, ESTERILIDAD, PROBLEMAS DE LA PRÓSTATA Y POSIBLEMENTE CÁNCER DEL TESTÍCULO.
    Ninguna parte del cuerpo del varon se maltrata mas que los genitales.
    Por salud y comodidad mejor usar FALDAS O VESTIDOS CON FALDA

  2. Por tradición los hombres desde siempre se habían vestido con faldas, solo hace 300 años que los obligaron a usar pantalón.
    El pantalón es la prenda menos adecuada para un hombre; el calzoncillo bóxer, hace las veces de férula en los genitales, (propiciando mal funcionamiento, y discapacidades), la costura central del pantalón maltrata, magulla e incomoda todo el tiempo los genitales; la correa o cinturón hace las veces de torniquete, y obliga al corazón a bombear la sangre con mayor esfuerzo, (para vencer la contracción que hace el torniquete), y por mala irrigacion sanguínea afecta: el aparato digestivo, el sistema urinario, el aparato reproductor. Ademas con el uso del pantalón el hombre ha terminado orinando de pie lo cual es totalmente antinatural. Las Faldas y los vestidos con faldas para los hombres son suprema-mente SALUDABLES, CÓMODOS Y CONFORTABLES. El pantalón, el calzoncillo ajustado, la costura central del pantalón, y la correa o cinturón, están promoviendo las enfermedades modernas de los hombres: IMPOTENCIA, ESTERILIDAD, PROBLEMAS DE LA PRÓSTATA Y POSIBLEMENTE CÁNCER DEL TESTÍCULO.
    Ninguna parte del cuerpo del varon se maltrata mas que los genitales.
    Por salud y comodidad mejor usar FALDAS O VESTIDOS CON FALDA
