So i'm going to be discussing real events but making stuff up about them that didn't happen, such as the Slut Walks last summer!
My hero is called Steve and is quite old now - it's 2050 and he's writing out his memories for posterity...not really with the expectation that anyone in particular would read them.
Steve lives in a universe that veered off ours and took human beings down a road of gender role reversal. It's based on the events described in ----- blog. I'm bringing events forward slightly, but not much and writing myself into them as a tentative cross dresser suddenly foisted into the deep end, beyong all his previous dreams.
It will enable me to use photos that up till now I'd considered on the rough side. Once forced into wearing dresses, skirts etc. not every man will be able to remain immaculate every day - it'll go wrong quite a lot. I would like to open up and show where it went wrong too.
I'll be using other people's photos, as well as my own, to illustrate, & perhaps the odd quote too, nothing that could be interpreted as stealing or plagiarism I hope....I have no intention of benefiting financially from these works.
I hope at some point to reignite my old artistic temperament and start to produce drawings, learn how to use photoshop, and produce finished art on the computer too.